Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Take Off to the Great White North

Does anyone remember that song? The song that Geddy Lee sang on the Bob and Doug McKenzie Christmas album. Good lord, I hope I can find it on youtube. If not, I'm sure I can order a copy on reel to reel from the National Film Board of Canada/Office National du Film du Canada and then visit your homes individually with my hi-fi and play it for you.

God bless youtube. It has all things Canadian and shitty.

This made me howl. I howled laughing. I didn't howl because I was trying to sing like Geddy Lee. I love the "slideshow" format. This is snow-covered brilliance. Did anyone catch the one shot that was from Thunder Bay? You get a prize if you spot it. The prize is pride, and no one can take that from you - unless they break your spirit.

Anyway - my post is not about great Canadian music or taming wild horses, it's about my upcoming trip to Thunder Bay. Oh...and I'm visiting Sean while I'm there.

I bought some hiking boots and a tutu, so I figure I'm ready for a weekend in the North. In addition to my hiking boots and tutu, I'm also packing the following:
  • Bear repellant
  • A test bear to make sure the repellant works
  • Bug spray
  • Bug net
  • Bug jammer
  • Bug mind power dominance kit
  • Socks - lots of them to avoid "trench-foot" (advanced apologies to those who had a grandfather who died due to foot complications while fighting in any wars)
  • Underwear - long and regular
  • Sweaters - for sweating
  • Jeans - maybe a few extra pairs to trade for local goods. Jeans - they're todays beaver pelts
  • Genes - I don't leave home without them
  • Pemmican - just in case I get lost in the forest for days
  • High heels - to impress the bears I've just repelled
  • Face-wash
Done packing!

Sadly, my camera decided to take a poop on my trip to Muskoka last weekend, so I won't be able to take any pictures this weekend. :( :( Double sad emoticon means that I'm very sad. I have my BB camera but it's just not the same. I'm so hard-done-by. Only one of my cameras is of acceptable quality. It's really hard to be so underprivledged. I wonder if this is what it was like to live through the Great Depression because I bet the lives of people in the '20s were also devoid of quality photographic equipment. I can relate.

I'm sure you're really upset about my camera, so here's a video of Robo. This video was shot while my camera was still operational. It showcases Robo's high level of anticipation when he thinks there's a chance he will get to go outside.

The following isn't a video about my cats, but the cat in this video reminds me of Robo. This will be a blast from the past for y'all, courtesy of the Office National du Film du Canada.

Here's another gem from the Film Board. Keep an eye out for many strange things around the house.

Now that I've wasted enough of your time, in the words of my mother - GO DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE YOU CURSED BRATS!


  1. First off, I saw Thunder Bay AND Victoria. AND the Arctic. Wow, Canada rules eh?
    Secondly, pretty sure I almost got trenchfoot this spring. Remember it's winter. So like, pack your snowshoes eh. Not your hikers eh. Like big warm red deers eh?

  2. I had "The Great White North" on vinyl. Why are there no Hoser scenesters?

  3. We miss you,come back up here again real soon now.
