Friday, October 24, 2008

Ding Dong, Ringy Gone

Last weekend I traveled to the mighty metropolis of Toronto to get my engagement ring resized. The sheer weight of the diamond was stretching the ring to the point that it was all sloppy floppy on my finger. I've been without my ring for about a week now and I'm still feeling quite naked. There's nothing to fiddle with during boring conversations, traffic and/or meetings at work. I never thought I could fall in love with a piece of jewelery, but I did. Sean - I'm leaving you for our ring.

While I was in Toronto, I looked at wedding bands as well. The jeweler is making a wax mock-up for mine since I have an unusual (yet amazing) engagement ring so it needs an unusual (yet amazing) wedding band to maintain its awesomeness. I chose a plain white gold band (matte finish) for Sean. It was so easy to choose a ring for Sean. Sean...never change. I felt kind of cold-hearted or lazy after it took only moments to find a ring for Sean, but it is what it is...there's not a lot of variables to insert into a basic men's wedding ring for a basic man who likes basic things (except when it comes to food).

Speaking of food...the cats are cranky, cranky, cranky. I didn't buy enough prescription food for them while they were on "holiday" at the grandparents house, so the grandparents did what any grandparents do...they fed their grandkids junk food because that's what they sell at the grocery store. The cats were in heaven. It was like giving a kid a bowls of Smarties for breakfast, lunch and dinner. When you feed kids nothing but Smarties they just get fat, but when you feed my cats the equivalent to nothing but Smarties, they get crystals in their urine. Sorry kids...back to health food for you! Switching back to their regular food was like that show, "Honey! We're Killing The Kids" where really unhealthy families try to get healthy. The cats whined and complained. Snoopers even ran away briefly today - I have no idea how that tub-o-lard escaped the back yard. In the end, they've settled back into their bland routine and said "I love you, Mom".

On Saturday morning, I had the pleasure of accompanying Graham Dunn and Dr. X to Kindermusic. It was Wunderbar! It made me want to become a musical therapist. I'd get to sing songs to kids and make them laugh and teach them how to love music.
There were only 3 kids at the session and 7 adults - the adult team totally dominated. We were way better at Kindermusic than the kids were. We didn't put the instruments in our mouths, which was the first step toward success. Maybe kids have a special ability to taste music that wears off over time.
Here's Xander, doing what he does best...ooze cuteness.

Xander is really fond of pointing these days, which leads me to believe that Kindermusic needs more Pointer Sisters content. I think all kids have a natural ability to do "The Neutron Dance". What kid wouldn't benefit from a little P. Sisters in their life?

Actually, the one of the sister's skirt was obscenely short in that clip, so maybe the Pointer Sisters aren't as kid-appropriate as I had originally thought. She needed two hairdoos to wear that dress. Funny story...when I played that song for my brother ( was my favourite song about 3 or 4 years ago), he was shocked to hear that the singer was a woman.

As per usual, this blog post is about to turn tangential. According to the internet, the pinball counting song from Sesame Street was performed by the Pointer Sisters. Who knew? Without hyperbole, this song plays in my head whenever anyone counts out loud. It's hard-wired into my brain and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only 30-something that has been similarly influenced by a bunch of puppets.

I found a couple other Sesame Street favourites that are never far from my mind.

Ladybug's Picnic

The Alligator King

Oh...and we sold our house. And pretty much bought one too. More on that next post...

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see Snooper and Robo computer-aged the way they do on "Honey We're Killing the Kids". They'd both have gross, overgrown beards and stained t-shirts and beer bellies.
    No joke, I was listening to "Automatic" as I read this post. Spooky.
