Sunday, April 26, 2009

Everything is Amazing, Nobody is Happy

I was telling a new acquaintance, Shelley, about my blog a while ago and she asked, "Is it negative? So many blogs are too negative and cynical for my liking". I assured her that my blog is mostly observational and pretty neutral, but then I got my blog cynical? Does my sarcastic humour come off as petty cynicism? I hope not. I don't set out for my blog to be inspirational, but I certainly don't want it to be something that Debbie Downer would quote at just the right moment (I love the fact that no one can keep their shit together in that clip). Shelley was right to assume that my blog is negative. There are so many negative blogs out there, but there are some positive blogs out there and they're not all Stewart Smalley daily affirmations. I heard about "1000 Awesome Things" recently on CBC and I have become a fan (it's the only RSS feed that I have). 1000ATs is a blog that delivers pure positive goodness to its readers and caps every post off with a resounding, all-caps "AWESOME". I've pasted one of the posts below

August 20, 2008...12:01 am

#957 The telephone

The magic machine

What’s this? I can talk into a clump of plastic and wires over here and you can hear me from the other side of the planet a millisecond later?



The writer of 1000ATs should call up Louis CK - a comedian who has a similar outlook on how awesome things are, and the fact that we often take the amazing conveniences we enjoy for granted.

Thank you, Louis CK, for giving us some perspective on the world. Some glass-half-emptiers would say that the Internet is full of garbage. Others would say that without all that garbage, you'd never be able to experience miracle that is Sexy Breadman or Pickle Surprise. Take that, cynicism and let's all say a big thank-you to the Internet next time we see it.

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