Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bitten by the Twilight Bug

I will freely admit to the fact that I have read the entire Twilight series in the span of approximately one month. I will not admit to the fact that I liked it.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Twilight series, here's a brief plot summary.

Benevolent vampires
Forbidden love
Malevolent vampires
Werewolf/Vampire battle
Mutant baby
Outsmart granddaddy vampires
Happily ever after, except for the eternal craving for human blood that will forever be unrequited

For those of you who think this sounds good because you like Buffy-esque sexy teenage vampire stories, I will tell you right now that it's a very poor substitute.

I compare reading the Twilight series to running a marathon. You get tired part way though, then you get a surge of energy and excitement, then you get tired again, then you feel like you're going to vomit, then you're like "what the f*ck am I doing???" and then you finish it - you feel exhausted, hungry, tired, nauseous and at the moment when you cross the finish and someone wraps a tinfoil blanket around you, you're satisfied. Then you start planning for the next one. Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone to wrap a tinfoil blanket around me at the end. I did, however, find this album cover to share with you. Who wants to go as ABBA for Haloween next year? The costume is totally recession-friendly.

After reading the Twilight books, I decided to watch the movie, which I will admit liking, but I think it would have been awful if I hadn't read the books.

While watching the movie, I couldn't stop thinking that the oh-so-dreamy Robert Pattison looked like someone I knew. Someone who sang a haunting melody from my youth. Then it came to me. R-Patz looks like none other than Feargal Sharkey! You remember Feargal...he was looking for someone with a good heart once the Undertones broke up. How this crap from my childhood remains in my brain will always be a mystery to me. Check out the resemblance below.

I had to find a picture of Feargal where he looks significantly more attractive than he actually is in order to demonstrate the similarities between the two.

If you watch the video, you'll notice that Feargal is partial to female drummers. We all know someone else who is partial to female drummers...

Prince! He and Sheila E loved to lead the glamourous life.

How do we complete this circle? Robert Pattison looks like Feargal Sharkey, who likes female drummers. Female drummers have often graced the stage with the Purple One. Good thing I found the gif below so that the circle could remain unbroken.


  1. I have not yet succumbed to Twilight, but I will sooner or later, and I strongly suspect my relationship to them will be nearly the same as yours.

  2. Want a more satisfying vampire series to distract you in the north?

    Try the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. Is it quality writing? No. Is it a compelling plot line? Yes. Do vampires have hot steamy sex with Sookie? Yes.

    Conculsion - infinelty better than Twilight, of which I did read the first two books and saw the movie at the theatre, made most enjoyable by the gaggle of 13-year old girls behind me swooned and sighed at the kiss and the shimmery scene in the woods...

  3. I have read the series as well...Who doesn't love a good teen vampire romance?

    If you haven't already...and have a couple of hours to kill - read the 'Midnight Sun' draft available on Stephanie Meyer's website - it's Twilight, but from Edward's perspective. Swoon....
