Boxes! Man...I don't want to see another box again in my life, but I guess I have to understand that my life is about boxes for the next while. Emptying boxes, packing boxes, acquiring boxes, boxing boxes, lunch boxing, lunch with Box Boxerson. Boxes!!
I had a break from my boxed hell earlier this week. I went to Chicago for business and I got a pleasant little surprise from the Hyatt in Schaumburg, Hella-Noise (that's my pet name for the ILLest state in the east). My room was awesome. They're redecorating the Hyatt that I usually stay at when I'm visiting our Chicago office (it's actually in Rolling Meadows, but "I'm going to the Rolling Meadows office" sounds so uninteresting - I may as well say "I'm going to a wheat field in Saskatchewan" - my apologies to any Saskatchewanese/Saskwatch in the readership. Damn...there's my GTA upitiness coming out again). Whoa...tangent. So, back to my story, they're redoing the hotel, which kind of made me sad because the previous decoration style was very art deco and it made me feel like I was in the roaring 20's without the threat of economic collapse looming in the near future. Oh - wait...now that I think about it, the US did smell of musty old mortgage crises while I was there.
Anyway...I was sad until I saw the 37" LCD TV in my room. Now, many of you out there may be saying, "so what? it's just a TV", but for someone who doesn't watch a lot of TV, my business trips are my opportunity to watch TV for hours with no nagging voice in my head saying "you should be grouting the bathroom tile" or "shouldn't you be doing something that involves a box?". Such a treat! Anyway, it was exciting to me, so shut up all you haters out there who don't understand my no-cable, life-full-of-boxes pain. Boxes!!
Here are some pictures of my awesome room before I threw tags from Target garments all over it.

I wonder what will happen on my trip to Seattle in September? The office is actually in Bellevue, but once again..."I'm going to Bellevue"...doesn't make me sound very interesting or invoke any jealousy, which is my general goal in life. I wonder if I'll be surprised by a delicious Pacific Coho jumping out of a box onto a plate of fresh box shavings?
Alright - back to my boxes. They're the only ones who understand me. I wonder if it's possible to get box poisoning? Is there a future doctor in the house???
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