Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So, You Think You Can Park? Thunder Bay Edition

I ask the following question, not as a matter of personal ability, but as a matter of excecutability.

So, you think you can park?

If it's in Thunder Bay, don't count on it. A few weeks ago, I ran into two impossible parking situations that made me laugh, so I documented them for posterity.

First - isn't this just the biggest Fail-you to people with disabilities that you've seen in a long time?

Sean and I cleared the carts out of the way. For Sean, it had something to do with Ye Old Hippocratic Oathe. For me, it was just because I'm a good person. I wonder if it was lazy able-bodied folks who disposed of their carts so inappropriately or if people with disabilities were trying to sabotage their counterparts' attempts to shop? Is there a long-standing rivalry between accident victims and the congenitally disabled not unlike the rivalries between the Capulets and the Montegues, the Hatfields and the McCoys or Zack and Slater?

I kid! I kid! Disabilities are no laughing matter.

Not even an hour after seeing the disabled parking debacle, we came across this stroke of genius at the grocery store.

So many fail blog entries to link to in comparison!!! Wanted: Urban Planners in Thunder Bay. We are desperate for your degree in applied common sense that the rest of us can't seem to harness.


  1. i just thought everyone parked that shamefully

    until i moved away from thunder bay.

    i hope you entered that on failblog, cause it's already on there once for that alzheimers cookbook.

  2. You forced me to look at the fail blog where I came across one for Ottawa ( but now I think I might not be able to believe everything I see on the internets....
