Friday, October 2, 2009

Yes I Have a Snuggie and No, You Can't Borrow It

I put some pretty ridonkulous things on our wedding registry including the Shamwow, Roomba and the crowning glory of wedding decadance - the Snuggie.  What is a Snuggie?  Well, you may know it by it's alternate name - The Slanket.  Still confused?  This video will explain the wonders of the Snuggie to you.

Some lucky bastard is gettin' rich because he accidentally put his bathrobe on backward when he was high on PCP and in that drug addled moment he thought, "I'm onto something here with this backward bathrobe thing" and then he thought, "that duck with the dinosaur head and top hat sure can dispense sound advice".

It was actually my friend Dave you pointed out that the Snuggie is just a bathrobe or housecoat worn backward.  Now the Snuggie just seems idiotic, as illustrated in this video:

Alas - I still love my Snuggie.  Whether I'm using it as a barrier to keep Robo's ass juice off of me or if I need a coat of some sort to wear around the house or after a bath, I know my Snuggie is there for me.

Now if only there was another completely obvious household item that I could employ for using my laptop outdoors!  Oh wait, that exists.

I'm going to start calling my ratty old used toothbrushes "The Master Crevice Scourer" and market them as a tiny brush for small spaces.  $39.95 for 2, but if you order now, you'll get three!  Any venture caps out there with some money to burn?  I'm ready for the Dragon's Den.

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