Friday, January 22, 2010

Goodbye, Cruel World!!!

Blogger and I have exchanged words and we've decided to part ways.
Lake Superiority Complex has moved to  Come.  Join us.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Oh, lakesuperioritycomplex.
Where for art thou, lakesuperioritycomplex?

I know that's what y'all been saying.  Well, to be perfectly honest, I've been one boring little beaver lately.  I've just been lazing about and not having any northern adventures. 

Perhaps it's the lack of sunlight that has me housebound?  Or maybe I've done everything that there is to do in the north?  Don't worry - I'll go snowshoeing sooner or later.

In the meantime, watch these Public Service Announcements until I have an adventure that's worth reporting on.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

All We Want Is Life Beyond The Sports Dome

On Boxing Day, the Thunder Bay Sports Dome deflated, much to the chagrin of local jocks and sports-bunnies.
One of the main concerns expressed by the public in the face of this mysterious incident was "is the sports dome safe?  Will it collapse while my family and I are trying to putt on the mini course?"

Well, your family would have to be pretty shitty at escaping if they were killed in a freak sports dome deflation.  It goes less like this...


And more like this...but about 40 minutes slower.

The power of the dark side of The Force deflates you.

If you opened the link at the start of this post and read the comments on the news article, you will find that the people of Thunder Bay are really mad that the CLE (Northern Ontario's answer to the Canadian National Exhibition) isn't as good now as it was in the 70s and it's all thanks to the Sports Dome.  Thunder Bay - holding grudges about penny carnivals since the 70s.  It's the new town slogan.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

This is Your Brain on Music - Part Deux

This is for all my music nerds out there.  Be proud that you were in band!!  It prepared you for the rest of your disappointing life.

Bobby McFerrin rose from the grave for a very special event at the World Science Fair this year where he demonstrated the global prevalence of the pentatonic scale. 
For those of you who chose to be cool in high school and weren't in band, a pentatonic scale is a 5 note scale that spans an octave.  If you need more information about an octave, watch this informative video.

Check out Bobby leading the crowd in a song they didn't even know they knew (don't worry, be happy - it's not "Don't Worry, Be Happy").

After it was over, he ate the brains of a few audience members.  Oh Bobby, you crazy zombie!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year From Lake Superiority Complex!

It's 2010 and although humankind is not likely to launch a mission to Jupiter in order to further understand our place and purpose on this planet in order to fulfill some sort of celestial plan, we do have this inspiring film to look forward to in 2012.

Despite the state of the world today, it's nice to see that people are committed to recycling and keeping Jackie Chan employed.  Thanks Xenu!

To properly say goodbye to 2009, check out this humourous recap.  It's pretty US-centric, but we Canadians are just the United States' hat, right? 

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

This Is Your Brain on Music

Sean and I went to "The Power Center" in T-Bay to look for some stereo equipment.  We have a relatively decent turntable, but we needed speakers and a receiver in order to use said turntable.  And we needed to figure out how to get the friggin weiner dog off it!  Nothing a little windex couldn't take care of.

The moment we walked in the door, Sean was pounced upon by a salesman who spoke some form of audiophile language that left us both stunned and perplexed.  Well, he left Sean stunned and perplexed - I feigned the bored-girlfriend-who-is-mad-we're-spending-time-in-a-stereo-store-when-we-could-be-shopping-at-le-chateau role so that he could use me as an excuse to make a quick escape. 

The receivers he showed Sean were way too complicated for what we were trying to do - seriously - some of the units had a 10x40 grid of holes and nightmares on the back.  What fresh hell is that?

After our failed attempt at The Power Center, we went to our favourite store, Jim & Crystal's Basement Giveaway Factory, and picked up a working receiver and some speakers from the in-laws.  The system works perfectly and it has only 5 holes on the back.  Ahhhh - the good old days.

Our vinyl collection is weighted heavily with Fleetwood Mac and Elvis Costello albums, but we also have Feargul Sharkey and Huey Lewis and The News in there to shitty it up.

Who am I kidding?  I love Huey Lewis and The News and anyone who disagrees with me can go listen to The Captain & Tenille (which we also have in our collection).

Check out "The Captain"s eyes in this photo!  Either he just came back from the optometrist with dialated eyes or the Captain has been smoking too much rope on his ship, if you know what I mean!  And what I mean is smoking weed in case you didn't get my hemp rope reference.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

If I Could Hoist an Airline Overhead and Laud it, I Would

Porter!  Thank goodness for Porter Air. 

Sean and I decided to fly to Southern Ontario and back to the North on Porter this holiday season and I'm thanking my lucky stars that we did.  Horror stories from those who were stranded or in long lineups at larger airports due to the failed terrorist attempt on Christmas day have been pouring in.

Other than both flights leaving/arriving late, it was a good experience.  Their lounge is nice, but not as nice as Air Canada's though, as we were forced to mix with the proletariat and their unwashed children.  Nothing a hot shower and some Dr Bronner's couldn't fix.

To complete our Toronto experience, we saw someone famous from TV.  Michael Ignatieff was there.  Unlike the time I saw Mary Walsh in the Air Canada lounge, I was bold enough to take a picture.

The picture didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, but the man in the foreground is reading a newspaper with the headline "Ignatieff Shelves Talks of Election".  I was going for irony, but all I got was blurriness.