As with most of the birthdays for people/things in my life that I love, I forgot to wish Lake Superiority Complex a very happy first birthday in August '09.

If you're looking for gift ideas, Lake Sup-Com (much like "J-Lo", everything needs a good contraction) likes movies, music, forwarded links, youtube, common sense, sarcasm and expensive cologne.
Thanks to everyone who reads the blog and a special thanks to those who comment on the blog. Your words of wisdom and/or ridicule are greatly appreciated and/or categorically dismissed.
So what have we done over the year?
We've seen Sean off to school together
We've gone on trips to Illinois, Washington State, Minnesota and British Columbia together
We've gone sightseeing at ski hills and natural geographic wonders together
We've gotten a taste of Northern life together
We've moved across the province together
We've made fun of countless things together
And so much more...
As I click "Publish Post" on my Blogger toolbar, I'm humming the "Family Ties" song, thinking fondly of all my friends and family. Lake Superiority Complex is singing harmony. Sha la-la-la.
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