- The sacks from their sack race broke, so they resorted to telling knock-knock jokes
- Their jumprope snapped and that resulted in them falling on their backs and faces
- They end up talking around a campfire about the high price of furniture, rugs and fire insurance for ladybugs (boring) and all the while their campfire is growing larger and larger. Then a fire truck puts out their fire
Poor ladybugs. NOW GET OUT OF MY WINDOWSILLS BEFORE I SPRAY INSECTICIDE ON YOU!! That would really ruin a picnic. Being exterminated en masse.
The cliffhanger from my last post was about buying/selling our house(s), but we're still not in a locked and loaded position for those yet (Inspector Electrical Gadget didn't show up on Friday), so you'll have to wait a little longer for the details.
Since this post is not action packed, here are two very different cops and robbers chases for you:
Remember when they tried to ban this video because it was too violent? By "they" I mean "The Man"
I think the OPP uses this as one of their training videos:
Thanks to everyone who made it to my Halloween party. It was great to see y'all in your costumes. I was especially impressed by Dan's "Conservative Supporter" costume, complete with hair combed in a nerdy fashion.
On a totally unrelated and irrelevant note, I think Ty Pennington of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition- and Trading Spaces-fame is on a runaway train that is barreling straight toward suicide. I bought the latest edition of Real Simple and a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos to prepare for an evening of early Bernie Mac episodes (seriously, they're hilarious) and posting halloween pictures on facebook. As I was leafing through the pages, my thumb automatically slipped to a full page, card stock fold-out ad for Similac baby formula hawking their redesigned container (I think the formula used to be called "Breastmilk" and the container was called a "breast" before the redesign). And who is the celeb who is pushing (or being paid to push) the formula? Mr Ty Pennington.

Pardon my french, but WTF? Did the co-op student at the ad agency who wanted to get their boss fired make this decision? I'm not even a mother and I find this to be totally ridiculous. If having children means that you will become part of a demographic that, on the whole, loves Ty Pennington so much that you would honour his endorsement of baby formula, I would prefer my eggs scrambled rather than fertilized (and most of you know how I feel about eggs). Click here to see the online version of the ad.
Ty's ad reminds me of that SNL commercial where Stevie Wonder endorses the Kannon AE-1 camera. "So easy, even Stevie Wonder can use it". Next it will be Mike Holmes signature Tampax Tampons, Huey Lewis & The News Hydraulic Fluid Supplies or High School Musical Patient Transfer Slings.